Outside the Target Area

Project Description
Deep in The Bitterroot National Forest, adjacent to the mouth of Skalkaho Canyon, the Skalkaho Brennon Gulch Property includes 160 acres of key wildlife habitat. This scenic property within The Bitterroot National Forest is one of the most popular hunting spots in the area. Visitors and valley residents enjoy up to 1,000 days of deer hunting with over 7,000 days of elk hunting overlooking the Bitterroot Valley and Skalkaho Creek. Skalkaho Creek, south of the property, is also a prime location for fishing and hiking.
Conserve important wildlife habitat, increase public recreational activities, and provide improved access to existing public lands.
Access to Skalkaho Canyon has been preserved through funding by the Montana Fish & Wildlife Conservation Trust and the Land and Water Conservation Fund, The Foundation of North American Wild Sheep and the Ravalli County Fish and Wildlife Association. Stewardship of The Bitterroot National Forest conserves key habitat for local elk, bighorn sheep, mountain lion, black bear and mountain grouse and maintain popular area hunting ground.
Located southeast of Hamilton, Montana, travel south from Hamilton on S. 1st Street. Follow to Skalkaho Highway travelling east past Grantsdale, Montana about 9 miles.